Friday, January 31, 2025

Bonner County History - Sept. 24, 2023

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 4 months AGO
| September 24, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 24, 1973 – SAGLE NEWS

A neighborhood get-together at the home of Mrs. Marvin Kirking honored the birthdays of Mrs. Gerry LaMarche, Mrs. Ruth Strohlei, Mrs. Mary Cochran and Mrs. Coral Melton. Also present were Mrs. Arlene Cordingly, Mrs. Billie Swendig, Mrs. Sandy Merwin, Mrs. Linda Aavedal and Mrs. Pat Simmons.

Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Amstutz Sr. are home after an extended trip across the country. They had an enjoyable time until they were stranded for several days in Newfoundland by the ferry strikes. After waiting two days, they were able to get back to mainland and continue their journey home.

Tim Cochran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cochran, returned to Moscow to continue his studies at U of I.



Plans to extend the Memorial Carillon to the Bonner County Memorial Field are progressing, said Dale Lee, secretary of the Memorial Field board. “With the $1100 initial gift from the Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund, and the offer to re-amplify from their basic Carillon unit, the cost of installation at our park was cut to $1900. We have received over $900 in gifts and pledges, leaving just under $1000 to complete the project. We feel this will be a distinctive and beautiful addition to our community and our Memorial Park.” The carillon extension will operate by telephone line from the basic instrument at the church and be re-amplified through speakers placed on one of the poles at the Memorial Field.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 24, 1948 – HAD BIRTHDAY PARTY

Karen Hayden, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Hayden, celebrated her 14th birthday Sunday with a wiener roast on the beach and dancing in the lodge at Talache. Guests included Sally and Fritz Holz, Shirley Decker, Bob Maxwell, Chuck Schoonover, Charlene Jahnke, Polly Spangle, Billy Lewis, Don Sundgren, Carol McNeu, Donna Mackey, Ewing Buck, Marjorie Whipple, Darrell Fredstrom, Roger Maxwell, Barbara Woolsey, and Sharon Warren.



Thirty-one Idaho physicians will attend the third annual cancer refresher course at the University of Oregon Medical school in Portland Sept. 27 to 30. The course includes new and advanced methods of cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Those selected to attend include Dr. Helen Peterson, Sandpoint, and Dr. Lynn Fredrickson, Spirit Lake.



Pat Sulzle announced this week that he is opening an electric shop under the name of Pat’s Electric, located at 409 Cedar street, just west of Mace’s garage. With years of experience in this work, Mr. Sulzle said his shop is prepared to handle work on all types of electrical appliances, including ranges and water tanks, oil heaters and ranges, washing machines and other appliances. Ken Tetschner is to be his assistant.

For more information, visit the museum online at


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