Legals for April, 5 2024
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 11 months, 2 weeks AGO
OFFICIAL NOTICE OF NOMINATION MEETING AND ELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR THE WASHINGTON ALFALFA SEED COMMISSION Pursuant to chapter 15.65 RCW, notice is given that a call-in meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. on April 24, 2024 to nominate candidates for producer positions 1 and 4 on the Washington Alfalfa Seed Commission. During the meeting, nominations may be made by calling (360) 902-1887. Notice of this meeting has been mailed to all affected producers entitled to nominate a candidate. For more information regarding how to submit a nomination by mail or the nomination process/meeting, please contact Megan Finkenbinder at (360) 902-1887 or Dated at Olympia, Washington this 5th day of April 2024. Derek I. Sandison, Director Washington State Department of Agriculture #04017/20929 Pub: April 5, 2024
SUPERIOR COURT, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN RE THE ADOPTION OF: | | NO. 24-5-00020-13 G.C., | | NOTICE OF PETITION TO Minor Child. | TERMINATE PARENT/CHILD | RELATIONSHIP AND HEARING | THEREON | YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that there has been filed in this court a Petition praying that the parent and child relationship between alleged biological father, who is Raul Calderon, and G.C., a minor child, be terminated. G.C., was born 06/26/2007 at Othello Community Hospital, Othello, Adams County, Washington, to Erin Kylee Goodman (date of birth 05/23/1988). YOU ARE NOTIFIED that any non-consenting parent has a right to be represented by counsel in these proceedings and that counsel will be appointed for an indigent person who requests the same. Failure to respond to the termination action within thirty (30) days of service will result in the termination of his parent-child relationship with respect to the minor child. The first day of service is the first day of publication of this notice, as set forth in RCW 26.33.310(3)(b), and as approved by order of the Grant County Superior Court. YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED THAT FAILURE TO FILE A CLAIM OF PARENTAGE UNDER CHAPTER 26.26 RCW OR TO RESPOND TO THE PETITION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THE DATE OF SERVICE OF THE PETITION IS GROUNDS TO TERMINATE YOUR PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP WITH RESPECT TO THE MINOR CHILD. YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED that IF YOU ARE AN ALLEGED FATHER OF AN INDIAN CHILD, that if you acknowledge parentage of the minor child or if your parentage of the minor child is established prior to the termination of the parent-child relationship, that your parental rights may not be terminated unless you give valid consent to termination, or your parentchild relationship is terminated involuntarily pursuant to Chapter 26.33 or 13.34 RCW. YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED by publication at least once a week for three consecutive weeks with the first publication date at least thirty days before the hearing. YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT A HEARING ON THE PETITION FOR TERMINATION AS TO THE SAID MINOR CHILD IS SCHEDULED FOR 1 1 A.M. ON MAY 3, 2024, AT THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, LOCATED AT 332 DIVISION AVE W, EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 98823. This matter is scheduled to be heard via the Grant County Superior Court’s Webex platform. The Webex platform allows you to appear by video or by telephone. Attorneys are required to appear by video. Pro se litigants (and an attorney’s clients) may appear by telephone only if they do not have the ability to appear by video. If this matter involves a request for a protection order, a party may appear in person if they are unable to appear by video or telephone. To access the Webex platform you must go to On the left hand side is a link for the Grant County Superior Court. After clicking on the link for- the Grant County Superior Court, you will be directed to the Superior Court webpage. On the Superior Court webpage will be found a link entitled: “Grant County Superior Court - Webex Video Hearings.” Clicking on this link will allow you to access the “virtual” courtrooms on the date and time of the scheduled hearing. You will also see a telephone number and access code that can be used if you are unable to appear by video. REMINDER: All documents you want the Court to consider must be timely filed with the Clerk before the hearing. The Court may not review or consider documents that were untimely filed. For more information, please review the Grant County Superior Court’s April 16, 2020 Emergency Order No. 5 regarding appearance via Webex. Order No. 5 can be found on the “Grant County Superior Coult - Webex Video Hearings” webpage. DATED this 25 day of March, 2024 Earl and Edwards PLLC Attorney for Petitioner By:/s/Michael G. Earl Michael G. Earl, WSBA #47330 File response or claim with: Copy to: Clerk of Superior Court Michael G. Earl P.O. Box 37 1334 S. Pioneer way Ephrata, WA 98823 Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-754-2011 509-765-1708 #04023/21106 Pub: March 29, 2024 & April 5, 12, 2024
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County at 154 A Street SE Building E, Ephrata, Washington 98823 no later than 2:00 P.M. on April 24, 2024 for Ephrata Service Center Storage Rack Improvement as more fully described in Contract Documents 130-12084. The Bids will be opened and read aloud via Teams on April 25, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. All bids shall be subject to and shall comply with the “Instructions to Bidders” contained in the Contract Documents, copies of which are available at our ProcureWare site When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if you are not already on our electronic vendor system. Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington By: Nicona Butler Procurement Officer #04043/21405 Pub: April 5, 2024
CITY OF MATTAWA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the City of Mattawa is hereby holding a public hearing: before the City of Mattawa Council during their regularly scheduled meeting on the 2024-2030 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan AND SEPA Determination of Non-Significance. The City of Mattawa developed a Parks Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan. The PROS Plan is a planning document that was developed for the City of Mattawa by SCJ Alliance and funded by RCO. The Plan documents the City’s existing parks, recreation, and open space and makes suggestions on short-term and long-term park improvements across the city. The Plan proposes improvements to the City’s park system and guides operational procedures to improve the level of service and reduces deficiencies. The Planning Agency recommends approval of the proposed plan. City Council will approve or deny to Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. The public hearing will be held during the regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Location: 521 Government Road, Mattawa WA 99349 or on Zoom (login info below) At this public hearing, city staff will present the draft plan, staff report, hear public testimony, and request a motion from the City to adopt the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space plan. Any changes to the procedures regarding this hearing will be posted on the city’s website: Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearing. If you wish to review the proposed plan, you may request paper copies by appointment at 521 Government Road or electronic copies by e-mailing Rachelle Bradley at If you wish to submit written comments before the hearings, please send them to City Council Public Hearing: Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Written Comments Due Date: Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. ZOOM LOGIN INFORMATION Meeting ID: 996 1245 9990 Passcode: CITY OF MATTAWA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA POR EL PRESENTE SE DA AVISO; Por la presente, la ciudad de Mattawa celebra una audiencia pública: ante el Consejo de la Ciudad de Mattawa durante su reunión programada regularmente sobre el Plan de Parques, Recreación y Espacios Abiertos 2024-2030 Y la Determinación de No Importancia de la SEPA. La ciudad de Mattawa desarrolló un Plan de Parques, Recreación y Espacios Abiertos (PROS). El Plan PROS es un documento de planificación desarrollado para la ciudad de Mattawa por SCJ Alliance y financiado por RCO. El Plan documenta los parques, la recreación y los espacios abiertos existentes de la ciudad y hace sugerencias sobre mejoras a los parques a corto y largo plazo en toda la ciudad. El Plan propone mejoras al sistema de parques de la ciudad y orienta los procedimientos operativos para mejorar el nivel de servicio y reducir las deficiencias. La Agencia de Planificación recomienda la aprobación del plan propuesto. El Ayuntamiento aprobará o denegará el Plan de Parques, Recreación y Espacios Abiertos. La audiencia pública se llevará a cabo durante la reunión ordinaria programada para el jueves 18 de abril de 2024 a las 5:30 p.m. Ubicación: 521 Government Road, Mattawa WA 99349 o en Zoom (información de inicio de sesión a continuación) En esta audiencia pública, el personal de la ciudad presentará el borrador del plan, el informe del personal, escuchará el testimonio público y solicitará una moción de la Ciudad para adoptar el plan de Parques, Recreación y Espacios Abiertos. Cualquier cambio en los procedimientos relacionados con esta audiencia se publicará en el sitio web de la ciudad: Se anima a las personas interesadas a asistir a la audiencia. Si desea revisar el plan propuesto, puede solicitar copias impresas con cita previa en 521 Government Road o copias electrónicas enviando un correo electrónico a Rachelle Bradley a Si desea enviar comentarios por escrito antes de las audiencias, envíelos a Audiencia Pública del Ayuntamiento: jueves 18 de Abril 2024, a las 5:30 p.m. Fecha límite para comentarios escritos: jueves 18 de Abril 2024, antes de las 4:00 p.m. INFORMACIÓN DE INICIO DE SESIÓN EN ZOOM ID de Junta: 996 1245 9990 Contrasena: #04044/21416 Pub: April 5, 2024