Bonner County History - April 28, 2024
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 9 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 28, 1974 – PROUDLY WE SALUTE…
Marine Pvt. David R. West, son of Mrs. Sunny M. Reeves, 324 Euclid, graduated basic training at the Marine Corps base, San Diego.
1969 SHS graduate 2nd Lt. Stephen Crowell, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Crowell, was awarded silver wings upon graduation from U.S. Air Force navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. He is on flying duty on a C-130 Hercules at Langley AFB, Va.
Nine girls will compete for the Sandpoint Junior Miss title May 2 at the Panida Theatre. The contest, sponsored by the Sandpoint Jaycees, is the first locally. “It’s the 11th National Junior Miss Pageant,” said event chairman Bob Fischer. Contestants are Roxie Rogers, Barbara Greenleaf, Randia LaGrace, Shirley Roos, Carrie Czarapata, Marcia Noble, Kerry DeSoto, Virginia Dawson and Connie Woodland.
In SHS student body elections last week, Chris Pietsch was selected to take the reins of the ASB government, the first student in anyone’s memory to step up from the vice-presidential post into the top position. He held the V-P job this school year as a junior. Taking over the V-P position next fall will be Linda Rogers, the first girl in recent memory to fill that job here. Barbara Greenleaf is the third member of the ASB triumvirate of juniors who will guide the school’s government during the next year.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 28, 1949 – GRAY ELECTED MAYOR
With no opposition, voting was light in Tuesday’s municipal election which named Floyd Gray as mayor to succeed Don Diehl, who has served for two years. Reelected were Clyde Morse, city clerk; Harvey Bishop, city treasurer; and A.R. Nelson, first ward councilman. Two new councilmen will be Dr. Dale A. Harris, second ward, and Kermit Miller, third ward. The old city council will wind up its business, canvass the ballot and turn over the reins of city government to the new administration next Monday evening. [2024 Note: Floyd Gray served as mayor for three years his first term, resigning in 1952 to leave the area; he was reelected mayor in 1961, and served continuously until his death in 1972, by far the longest-serving mayor in Sandpoint history].
Pend Oreille Sport Shop has been chosen for a premiere showing of a radically new fishing plug, the Martin Gantron fireplug made by Martin Fish Lure Co. of Seattle. The company has been a strong booster for Lake Pend Oreille and Martin plugs have accounted for many of the big Kamloops rainbows taken here. The new plug is of standard shape but is painted with Gantron, a fluorescent material developed during the war. It has a brilliance far greater than plugs painted with usual colors. It will be of special interest to deep-fishermen as it loses little if any luminosity in deep water.
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