Legals for February, 14 2024
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 11 months, 3 weeks AGO
INVITATION TO BID Separate sealed bids for the Town of Alberton – Water System Improvements Project will be received by the Town of Alberton (the “Town”) Attn: Leslie Hottinger – 607 Railroad Ave, Alberton, MT 59820, until 2:00 p.m. local time on Friday, February 23, 2024, and then publicly opened and read aloud. The project will include the furnishing of all labor, skill, equipment, and construction materials to construct the proposed improvements to the Town’s drinking water system in accordance with the plans and specifications included herein. Bids will be for a single base contract and up to two separate alternates, bid on a Unit Price basis. The project will generally consist of the following work: BASE BID – Water Distribution Improvements: 1,420 lineal feet of 12" diameter PVC watermain, including valves & fittings; 1,725 lineal feet of 10" diameter PVC watermain, including valves & fittings; 1,110 lineal feet of 8" diameter PVC watermain, including valves & fittings; 3,275 lineal feet of 6" diameter PVC watermain, including valves & fittings; 315 lineal feet of directionally-drilled 6" through 12" HDPE watermain; 18 standard 4¼" fire hydrants, including isolation valves; 88 water services including: tap; corp stop; shutoff; valve box; re-connection; 1,930 lineal feet of 1" diameter HDPE water service pipe; 90 lineal feet of 1½" diameter HDPE water service pipe; ALTERNATE B – Water Metering 210 individual magnetic water meters including radios; 28 water meter pits; Remote meter reading equipment; Meter reading software and billing system interface ALTERNATE C – Spring Source Improvements Replace Spring Source collection structure & penetrations; 250 lineal feet of chain link fence & gates WORKSCOPE FOR BASE BID & ALL ALTERNATES INCLUDES: All appurtenant work: temporary water service; dewatering; traffic control; asphalt and surface restoration; etc. Bidders submittal must include bids for the Base Bid and both Alternates B & C to be considered responsive The contract documents, consisting of Drawings and Project Specifications, may be obtained at the office of AMCE at 1064 N. Warren St., Helena, MT 59601 (phone: 406-449-3303). The Instructions to Bidders outlines specific requirements for all Bidders to observe. The required payment for a complete set of contract documents is $200 per set or $30 for electronic media, which is not refundable. A generic set of drawings and project specifications can be examined online at AMCE’s website at (under the “Project Documents” link), available February 7, 2024. Bidders must purchase a numbered set of drawings & specifications in order to be placed on the official Planholders list and to submit a responsive bid. A Set of Drawings and Project Specifications on the Project will be made available to the local and regional Plans Centers. There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the Alberton Town Hall at 607 Railroad Ave, (Town Office Phone: 406-722-3404) at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 15th, 2024. Interested CONTRACTORS are strongly encouraged to attend. CONTRACTORS and any of the CONTRACTOR’s subcontractors submitting a bid on this project will be required to obtain registration with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) Contractor Registration Unit prior to submitting bids. Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana 59604-8011. Information on registration can be obtained by calling 1-406-444-7734. All laborers and mechanics employed by CONTRACTORs or subcontractors in performance of the construction work shall be paid wages at rates as may be required by the laws of and the state of Montana. The CONTRACTOR must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religious views, gender or national origin. The highest of Montana Prevailing Wage or Federal Davis-Bacon Wage Rates apply to this project. Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, or Bid Bond payable to the Town of Alberton, Montana, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid plus alternates. Successful BIDDERS shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Insurance as required shall be provided by the successful BIDDER(s) and a certificate(s) of that insurance shall be provided. Bidders must demonstrate their qualifications to do the work. This project is funded with grant and loan funding from the DNRC Renewable Resources Grant Program, Montana Department of Commerce Treasure State Endowment Program and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) administered by the Montana DNRC. Award of the project will be contingent upon available funding and award concurrence from the MDNRC, MDOC and ARPA fund administrators. Build America Buy America provisions under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will apply to materials installed under this project. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the public opening of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid which is in the best interest of the OWNER. Published in the Mineral Independent on February 7, 14, 2024. MNAXLP The Town of Alberton is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS GENERAL CONTRACTOR / CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SERVICES Mineral County Pioneer Council Transit Facility Superior, Montana NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mineral County Pioneer Council in Mineral County are formally requesting qualifications and proposals from construction firms interested in serving as a General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) in accordance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 5, MCA. The selected GC/CM will participate in a collaborative process to assist, as a partner, with Mineral County Pioneer Council, staff, and the design team for the construction of a 2,550 GSF Transit Facility & Offices. Prospective GC/CM candidates may obtain a Qualification and Proposal packet by contacting Riley Hanson, Slate Architecture, Inc. at 1470 North Roberts Street, Helena, MT 59601, phone: (406) 457- 0360. Responses to this Request for Qualifications/Proposals for GC/CM services will be received at Mineral County Pioneer Council on or before Friday, February 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm, local time. Six (6) copies plus one PDF copy on a flash drive is required. RESPONSES RECEIVED AFTER THAT DATE AND TIME WILL BE DEEMED NON-COMPLIANT WITH THIS RFQ/RFP AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. FAXED, ELECTRONIC OR E-MAIL COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED There will not be a walk-through of the project but site access can be obtained by contacting and coordinating with the parties mentioned below. Project location is off the intersection of McKinley Ave and Moats Ln in Superior, MT 59872. The intent of this solicitation is to identify qualified GC/CM candidates interested in participating in a collaborative process to bring the Mineral County Pioneer Council Transit Facility to fruition in a timely and cost-efficient manner. From the list of interested and qualified GC/CM candidates, Mineral Co. Pioneer Council will select the GC/CM firm, through the interview process, which is best qualified and best suits the Council’s needs and intent regarding the Project. It is anticipated that the selected GC/CM will initially provide Preconstruction phase services and, assuming that conditions attendant to the Project are met, will move forward with the provision of Construction phase services. The GC/CM shall comply with all fair labor practices and must meet the requirements of all local and state statutes. Mineral Co. Pioneer Council reserves the right to reject any and/or all responses, to waive any and/or all informalities or technicalities, and to act in the best interest of Mineral Co. Pioneer Council. Mineral Co. Pioneer Council P.O. Box 10 St. Regis, MT 59866 Phone: (406) 327-8707 Published in the Mineral Independent on February 7, 14, 21, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________
PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO PROTEST TRANSFER OF LOCATION OF Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages License GO ROAM FREE LLC (Jonathan Sepp and Brittany Masters, Owner(s)) has applied to operate Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages License No. 35-999-7132-001 to be operated at ROAM FREE RANCH, 180 Coppedge Gulch Rd, Plains, County. The public may protest this license transfer in accordance with the law. Who can protest this transfer? Protests will be accepted from residents of the county of the proposed location County, residents of adjoining Montana counties, and residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in 16-4-207(4)(d), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), are met. What information must be included? Protest letters must be legible and contain (1) the protestor’s full name, mailing address, and street address; (2) the license number 35-999-7132-001 and the applicant’s name GO ROAM FREE LLC; (3) an indication that the letter is intended as a protest; (4) a description of the grounds for protesting; and (5) the protestor’s signature. A letter with multiple signatures will be considered one protest letter. What are valid protest grounds? The protest may be based on the applicant’s qualifications listed in 16-4-401, MCA, or the grounds for denial of an application in 16-4-405, MCA. Examples of valid protest grounds include: (1) the applicant is unlikely to operate the establishment in compliance with the law; (2) the proposed location cannot be properly policed by local authorities; and (3) the welfare of the people in the vicinity of the proposed location will be adversely and seriously affected. How are protests submitted? Protests must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue, Office of Dispute Resolution, P.O. Box 5805, Helena, Montana 59604-5805 on or before March 2, 2024. What happens if the transfer is protested? Depending on the number of protests and the protest grounds, a public hearing will be held in Helena or Plains. All valid protestors will be notified of the hearing’s time, date and location. Hearings typically are scheduled within 90 days. A protester’s hearing testimony is limited to the grounds in the protester’s letter. Following the hearing, the Department of Revenue will notify the public whether the license transfer is approved or denied. How can additional information be obtained? The cited MCA statutes are online at Questions may be directed to Breanna Gill, Compliance Specialist for the Department of Revenue’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, at 444-0710 or Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on February 14, 21, 2024. MNAXLP __________________________