This Week in History - Jan. 4, 2024
Bonners Ferry Herald | UPDATED 1 year, 2 months AGO
100 Years Ago
Work was completed December 22 on the Cynide Gold Mining Company's huge power dam on the Moyie River at Eileen. This is one of the largest power dams in North Idaho and cost in the neighborhood of $75,000.
Sheriff Dunning and Deputy Welch captured eight cases of whiskey and arrested Arthur Strain on a charge of possessing intoxicating liquor early Friday morning.
The members of the Hi-V-Hikers Klub gave a theatre party Thursday night at the Rex Theatre in honor of Miss Vina O'Callaghan and Mrs. Evaline O'Brian. After the show the club members repaired to the home of Miss Faye Kent where they enjoyed a delicious lunch.
50 Years Ago
Tim Whittaker, Bonners Ferry resident now serving in the U.S. Navy, was aboard the USS Kitty Hawk recently when a fire and explosion killed eight servicemen and injured 35 more. Tim's mother, Mrs. C.K. Whittaker, reports that he was not injured.
Monte Phillips, spokesman for persons circulating the recall petition against the sheriff, said late yesterday that they had collected "in the neighborhood of 300 signatures" so far toward the legal minimum of 620 signatures.
Latest word on Ken Mendenhall, who suffered a massive heart attack while ice fishing Saturday afternoon on Brush Lake, is that steady improvement is being made after he underwent extensive heart surgery that night in Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane.
15 Years Ago
With gas prices at their lowest in five years, it seems to be the one bright spot in Boundary County's economy, where November's unemployment was 11.2 percent. Last week, regular unleaded gasoline fell as low as $1.45 a gallon in Bonners Ferry.
A public hearing will be held at 5:30 Thursday, Feb. 19 at the Boundary County Courthouse for a proposed assisted living center on Highway 95 north of Three Mile.
Bonners Ferry football players are raising money by helping residents get rid of their Christmas trees.
~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum