Polson parade boasts nearly 50 entries
KRISTI NIEMEYER | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 months, 1 week AGO
Kristi Niemeyer is editor of the Lake County Leader. She learned her newspaper licks at the Mission Valley News and honed them at the helm of the Ronan Pioneer and, eventually, as co-editor of the Leader until 1993. She later launched and published Lively Times, a statewide arts and entertainment monthly (she still publishes the digital version), and produced and edited State of the Arts for the Montana Arts Council and Heart to Heart for St. Luke Community Healthcare. Reach her at editor@leaderadvertiser.com or 406-883-4343. | July 11, 2024 12:00 AM
There were 47 entries in Polson’s Fourth of July parade – just shy of last year’s 52 entrants.
“It did seem really huge this year,” said Lori Abramson, office manager for the Polson Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors both the parade and the fireworks display on July 3.
A crowd favorite was clearly the standoff between the Redcoats and the Polson Minutemen that preceded the actual parade. The ragtag group of Minutemen were first dispersed near the Elks Club on Main Street by a barrage of firecrackers, shot from British muskets. They regrouped near the VFW and prevailed during the second skirmish, disarming their foes.
The Honor Guard led the parade, while local fire departments and emergency responders brought up the end. In between were antique cars, horses and riders, bagpipers, the high school band, and various community and commercial floats.
Santa, bedecked in red and white stripes, cruised through town on a vintage Polson fire truck, while another fire truck kept the crowd cool with a water spray. Tooth fairies handed out both tooth brushes and candy from the Windauer Family Dentistry Tooth Fairy Castle – a possible attempt to gain a few new customers.

Polson commission revisits resort tax
Susan Nicosia, who retired last June after serving as Columbia Falls city manager for 13 years, told the Polson City Commission Monday that a 3% resort tax has been a boon to her community.

Water Warrior: Constanza von der Pahlen honored for stewardship
You could call Constanza von der Pahlen a water warrior for her tireless efforts to improve and conserve western Montana’s priceless waterways. But the Watershed and Wetland Stewardship Award she’ll receive Thursday also makes the point.

Polson Chamber honors community champions
Women wore flamboyant hats and frisky dresses, while men took their best stab at Kentucky Derby apparel in the Polson Chamber of Commerce’s annual community banquet, held Feb. 21 at KwaTaqNuk Resort. The chamber celebrated the outstanding contributions of local businesses, volunteers and leaders while embracing a Kentucky Derby theme to recognize those “who go the extra mile for Polson.”