Bonner County History - June 6, 2024
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 9 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 6, 1974 – NEW STORY HOUR ROOM
“The Magic Carpet,” the Sandpoint library’s new story hour room, is nearly ready. In the past, story hour was held in various rooms in the building and on stairs, but the Sandpoint Junior Club, the Civic Club and local merchants helped re-do a previous storage room. Junior Club members were in charge of cleaning, painting and overseeing the project. Jack Bopp, Bonner Building Supply, donated paint, while Irene Cook of the Pine Tree painted murals. Bob Farmin, Sandpoint Furniture, installed carpeting bought by the Junior Club. The Civic Club installed new lights and outlets. The library is pleased to announce Mrs. Denise Sherry as Story Lady.
Sherry Spear, Randy Wilcox, Judy Davis, Carolyn Monroe, and Carolyn Bonser are vying to be queen of the rodeo and represent Sandpoint at rodeos and parades in the area. The contest gets underway with a brunch Saturday at the Edgewater. Contestants will be judged in horsemanship at the Fairgrounds at 2 p.m. After a dinner and dance at the Elks lodge at 6 p.m., the queen will be crowned at 9 p.m.
The May 31 snowpack at the 6,100-foot level at the top of Schweitzer was 119 inches with 59 inches of water. Near the Lodge at the 4500 ft. level, there were 43 inches with 21.3 inches of water. It’s just the second time with snow there at the end of May.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Honoring Mrs. Kenneth Piatt at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hagadone, friends gathered for a pink and blue shower. Gifts were presented to the honored guest in a daintily trimmed bassinet. Mrs. Lawrence Moon, Jr. and Mrs. Edith Taccogna won prizes at games. Other guests were Mrs. Ralph Sletager, Mrs. Wayne Sundgren, Mrs. Thor Verdal, Mrs. Don Gregg, and Beverly Sundgren and Barbara and Mary Lee Piatt. As it was also Mrs. Piatt’s birthday, the hostess served birthday cake and ice cream.
A while ago, the state game dept. through the local sportsmen’s group, asked Art Kalk to help in placing some day-old pheasant chicks around the county with people interested in game promotion who are qualified, with brooders, etc., to do the stint properly. Now Art is informed they are sending him the chicks, 250 of them, and is calling for help, not having expected them so suddenlike. If you can help him out of this mess, call him at once at 94 or 277.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker announce the engagement of their daughter, Naoma, to Lyle D. Nelson, Spokane. Miss Walker, a Sandpoint High graduate, is employed at Deaconess hospital, Spokane. Mr. Nelson, who spent five years in the US army, is employed in the Spokane postoffice.
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