Ronan secures MREC land from Lake County
BERL TISKUS | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 9 months, 1 week AGO
Reporter Berl Tiskus joined the Lake County Leader team in early March, and covers Ronan City Council, schools, ag and business. Berl grew up on a ranch in Wyoming and earned a degree in English education from MSU-Billings and a degree in elementary education from the University of Montana. Since moving to Polson three decades ago, she’s worked as a substitute teacher, a reporter for the Valley Journal and a secretary for Lake County Extension. Contact her at or 406-883-4343. | June 6, 2024 12:00 AM
There should have been confetti and a parade as Lake County Commissioners made a move to put the Mission Recreation Event Center land to use.
Commissioners Gale Decker, Bill Barron and Steve Stanley accepted an offer from the City of Ronan to buy the county’s portion of the MREC property at a meeting on Monday, June 3. The offer was for $82,500, and the money was from the coffers of Pioneer Days, which requested a lease of at least 10 acres of the property to build a rodeo arena and stock pens and put up seating.
“It’s been 19 years since last March,” former Ronan mayor Kim Aipperspach said, since plans began among Lake County, the City of Ronan, and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes to build a multi-use recreation site on land off Mink Lane in Ronan.
Several Pioneer Days members and supporters, Ronan Mayor Chris Adler and Ronan City Council members Marlene Melton and Julie Moore attended Monday’s meeting.
Although pleased with the commissioners decision, Pioneer Days member Mike Bartell was already thinking about the next steps. He said the group needed to wait for the property deal to close and for the City of Ronan to annex the property and remove the ag restriction before getting to work.

Constitutional Road Show explores democracy's foundation
The Montana Constitution Road Show travelled to Polson last Friday, drawing a full house in the North Lake County Library meeting room.

Antique Ronan grandstand needs help
Last year’s winds peeled a portion of tin roof from the west covered grandstand at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Ronan. But the damaged roof turned out to not be the only issue with the aging structure.

Polson chief authors books on Public Law 280 and Indian law
Weighty stacks of “Odyssey of the Flathead Indian Reservation and Public Law 280” and “An Odyssey of American Indian Case Law” sat beside George Simpson as he signed copies last Friday at the North Lake County Public Library in Polson.