Bonner County History - June 11, 2024
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 7 months, 1 week AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
It’s a good life the Spraker family leads. Each day begins at 5:15 a.m. when Mel climbs on his Honda, calls Bonner the Australian shepherd, and goes out to round up 74 cows for milking. By the time he gets back to the barn, his wife Dorothy is waiting to help lead the cattle through the automatic milker, which produces two tons of milk a day. Their son Jay, 1½, supervises from a crib in the barn. The process, including cleanup, lasts about three hours, then it’s time for one of those honest country breakfasts. The rest of the day is spent on things like tilling gardens, sick cows and balky tractors. Come 5 p.m., the cows need milking again. Spraker, whose herd is known as one of the finest in North Idaho, plans to sell half his cows this summer, so that he and his family can continue to exist as dairy farmers. “The federal government makes it hard on us,” he said.
Glenn Newton, who formerly had an antique and refinishing shop in Denver, and Julian Brouillard, who has BA and MA degrees plus 15 years of experience in industrial arts, opened a furniture repair and refinishing shop, Reliable Furniture Refinishing, on U.S. 95 overlooking Cocolalla Lake. They also make custom furniture. Newton and his wife live next to the shop with their daughter and son. Brouillard taught industrial arts for 14 years before moving here three years ago. Mrs. Brouillard teaches at Southside School; they have one son.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 11, 1949 - BOB HOPE TO VISIT LAKE
Bob Hope is scheduled to spend at least one night here next week, possibly more. Mrs. E.W. Dreisbach of Midas Heights resort at Garfield bay, was asked to reserve quarters for June 15 for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hope and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanton and three children, all of Los Angeles.
The Sandpoint saddle club participated in the parade held during the log drive celebration at Priest River on Saturday. Those who attended were W.D. Lewis and sons, Billie and Leon, Guy Hesselgesser, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Cargill, Shirley Carter, Harold Brock and Mrs. Ardis Racicot.
A dinner, honoring both the first birthday of Frances Paulet and Donald Oliver, who finished his boot training and is home for a week’s leave, was held Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oliver. Present were his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stradley, Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oliver and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and sons, all of Colburn; Mr. and Mrs. Werner Paulet and daughter Frances, Bronx area; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and family, Bonners Ferry; Mrs. Ben Cox and daughter, Thompson Falls; and Roman Hahn, Newport.
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