Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Law roundup: Fraudster poses as police in scam calls seeking donations

Daily Inter Lake | Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 9 months AGO
by Daily Inter Lake
| June 18, 2024 12:00 AM

A scammer posing as a Kalispell Police Department officer allegedly called a woman asking for donations and her ATM information, which she unfortunately provided to give $20. She went to the Police Department to make law enforcement aware that people were impersonating officers. She also planned to report it to her bank.

A man wearing a red bandanna and black pants rolled up to his knees was allegedly sitting on a lawn in front of a bank before going inside rambling about needing $300 and said if he couldn’t get the loan he would have to rob a store.

Someone complained about a Jack Russell terrier with purportedly mighty vocal cords that had allegedly barked for three years and “won’t shut up.” The person claimed the dog owner liked the dog to bark and scare off squirrels. The dog’s owner allegedly would also shoot squirrels with a BB gun. Officers advised the dog owner about city ordinances and ways to reduce barking. The dog owner told officers his canine doesn’t bark, but if it did “it’s not for long.”

Someone was reportedly uncomfortable with the blue pickup of a suspicious man they previously had a negative encounter with at a park located near their home and called the police. They alleged that during their previous encounter, he had his pants down and was wearing women’s underwear in front of kids who he asked to help him in his truck. The caller alleged that he asked them if they liked asparagus and for their home address and was adamant that the kids help when they said no. The truck was unoccupied when officers stopped by the park twice.

Officers advised a woman in a public parking lot to pick up her trash and keep the area clean after receiving complaints about trash strewn around a black sedan.

A woman reportedly believed someone was giving out her phone number and saying she was with “Fed Protection” after getting a weird phone call about it and didn’t think a scammer was behind the call.


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