Cherry growers host annual meeting April 13
Barbara Hammons, Flathead Lake Cherry Growers | Lake County Leader | UPDATED 12 months AGO
The 86th annual cherry growers’ meeting presented by the Flathead Lake Cherry Growers Association will be held Saturday, April 13, at the Yellow Bay Community Clubhouse, 23429 MT Hwy. 35. The meeting is open to anyone interested in growing quality Flathead cherries.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 9 a.m.
Keynote speaker is Dr. Gary Grove, a professor of plant pathology at Washington State University. He will give an in-depth presentation exploring the etiology, epidemiology and management of powdery mildew, an emerging problem among local growers. His talk will include symptoms and signs, mycological information about the pathogen, resistance management, and environmental factors affecting the disease.
Dr. Rachel Malison, an assistant research professor at the Flathead Lake Biological Station and in the Ecology and Evolution Program at the University of Montana, will report on a program she developed for FLBS’s Monitoring Montana Waters Program. She’ll also provide an introduction and explanation of the Pesticide Stewardship Partnership Program for the Upper Columbia River Basin.
The day includes announcements of interest to local cherry growers and the opportunity to meet with local extension agents and agencies. Organizers say networking with experienced Flathead cherry growers helps orchard owners learn how others develop successful orchards unique to this area.
General admission is $30 per person and includes morning refreshments and lunch. Advance registration is recommended, although if space is still available, registrations will be accepted at the door at $35 per person.
For more information or to preregister, call 406-982-3069 or email Information and the registration form are also available on the Flathead Lake Cherry Growers’ website,, in the calendar section under community events.