OPINION: It all depends on you
JACK T. RIGGS, MD/Guest Opinion | Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 10 months, 1 week AGO
In less than two weeks, Republican voters in Kootenai County will face a crucial decision that carries the potential to significantly impact our community's future. A record number of Precinct Committeeman (PC) seats — 70 out of 73 — are contested in this election. These candidates present an opportunity for voters to reshape the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) in ways that could have a lasting and positive effect.
The stakes are high, and the impressive list of candidates stepping forward have the skills and knowledge to champion the return to stability and civility along with traditional conservative Republican values that have long sustained our community through work, investment, volunteering and common sense.
The KCRCC’s unholy grip on local politics relies on 73 Precinct Committeemen positions, the foundation of the Republican Party. Changing who serves in the precincts will change who is elected chairman and could impact who is elected to serve on the NIC Board, county positions and other elective offices.
Changing the Precinct Committeemen will allow you the voter to have a greater say which Republican candidates will represent you on the general ballot in November instead of the KCRCC pre-selecting all those candidates for you.
David L. “Dave” Patzer, who is challenging Brent Regan for Coeur d’Alene’s Precinct 205, stresses the need for new leadership: “I am running for Precinct Committeeman because of the damage being done by the KCRCC and the candidates they endorse, especially at NIC. I want to represent Republicans with a truly conservative, common-sense approach and elect strong, tested leaders.”
In Coeur d’Alene’s Precinct 404, Joshua Dahlstrom is determined to steer the party back to its foundational beliefs: “I believe in the conservative values of the Republican Party. I want to help North Idaho return to those conservative values.”
Dave Raglin of Precinct 409 recognizes the importance of respecting voter rights and the profound impacts of KCRCC’s decisions on institutions like North Idaho College and the Idaho Legislature.
Precinct 518 candidate Patty Ransom said, “After watching Todd Banducci’s antics and attempt to destroy NIC I decided to give voters a choice in my precinct.” Todd is running again in No. 518.
John Heacock, Precinct 203, articulates his deep connection to the area: “I absolutely love where I live and feel I need to step up and play whatever roles are necessary to protect the great things that make Idaho such a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Each NIR-endorsed candidate brings their skills, morals and ethics, and they share a common goal: to guide the KCRCC away from divisive politics and toward conservative governance that truly represents the community's best interests.
These candidates, like Sue Thilo, Jim Hammond, Casey Morrisroe and many others, are proven community builders. They do more than talk, they act. They are recognized for their contributions as volunteers, employers, PTO leaders, teachers, youth and nonprofit leaders, and more. They elevate their faith, love of family, community and country above their politics.
Former mayor Vic Holmes from Rathdrum’s Precinct 306, and attorney Pete Erbland from Coeur d’Alene’s Precinct 420, are motivated to return the party to a "big tent" where there’s a more robust exchange of ideas and to protect our community institutions from extremists masquerading as Republicans.
John Young of Hayden’s Precinct 319, Charlie Specht from Dalton Gardens’ Precinct 321 and Sidney “Sid” Smith of Coeur d'Alene Precinct 410 express their commitment to ensuring that KCRCC represents traditional Republican values and protects the people’s right to vote for their elected leaders and not rely on just a few people who attend a party caucus.
Post Falls candidates Pam Houser (Precinct 502), Ryan Davis (Precinct 504) and Dr. Kirk Hjeltness (Precinct 512) emphasize the importance of fair and balanced leadership that respects conservative values and the community’s ability to govern itself.
Lifelong resident Lisa Aitken in Coeur d’Alene’s Precinct 411 warns against divisive tactics: “Idaho has a rich history of people working together. Sadly, some with extreme views have taken control of the Republican Party and have engaged in activities intended to divide us.”
Oddly enough, two years ago, Lisa’s opponent ran for a seat on the Democratic Central Committee.
North Idaho Republicans have endorsed 70 PC candidates who embody the traditional Grand Ol’ Party (GOP) ideals that have built our community — dedicated to protecting the conservative principles, family values and individual freedoms that make Idaho great.
Unlike the past 10 years, this year you actually have a choice. These 70 great conservative and community-minded candidates have stepped up so there are at least two Precinct Committeeman candidates on the ballot in nearly every precinct.
By voting, you have an opportunity to make a decisive choice between high quality conservative leadership — or more of the same. Do you like the current state of angry politics and NIC hanging by a thread? Or would you prefer traditional conservatism with real Idaho values? We encourage you to choose wisely. The future of our community and the Republican Party depends on you.
Visit www.northidahorepublicans.org to review the list of longstanding Republicans who have been the backbone of our community’s success. Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot online by 5 p.m. at www.idahovotes.gov. You can also “vote early” in person at the Elections Department, located at 1808 Third St. in Coeur d’Alene, until Friday, May 17, or at your polling site on Election Day, May 21.
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Jack T. Riggs, MD, is former Lt. Governor of Idaho (Republican) and a Founding Member of North Idaho Republicans.