Bonner County History - May 14, 2024
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 8 months, 2 weeks AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-BulletinMay 14, 1974 – TORCH CLUB ELECTION
Sandpoint Torch Club recently held election of officers. Allison Gilmore was elected president; Jeff Meredith, vice-president; Sue Cove, secretary; Sue Tibbetts, treasurer. The club is sponsoring a royalty dance Friday at Sandpoint Community hall with live music entertainment by the Percolators. Crowning of the king, queen and princesses will take place later in the evening. All parents are invited.
Sandpoint’s Junior High School Bullpups literally ran away with the invitational track meet Friday at the SHS track. Calvin Howell placed first in the pole vault with Mike Perry taking second. Howell then won the low hurdles, with Jerry Munce taking fourth. Wayne Evans leaped for 1st place in the long jump, with Dave DeMers placing 4th. Cory McCormick placed 2nd in the discus and 3rd in the shot-put, then won the high hurdles. Wayne Kernodle took 4th in the high hurdles. The team of DeMers, Kelly, Smith, Bill Eicher and Evans placed 3rd in the 800-yard relay; Evans, DeMers, Munce and Howell took 3rd in the 440. Also helping in the Bullpup win were Dave Lund, 2nd, and Phil McGuire, 4th, in the 320 run; Howell’s 11.5 second finish in the 100 yard dash set a new school record, as Munce took 2nd; McCormick added a 2nd in the 440-yard dash; Pat Wilson was 4th in the 660-yard run; Munce placed 4th in the 220 yard dash and Evans placed 5th. The Sandpoint mile relay team of McCormick, Smith, DeMers and Eicher nailed 2nd place to wrap up the meet for the Bullpups. Coach Tim Gleason said he was very proud of his 7th and 8th grade thinclads.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Delvin Hook, Sr., 714 Washington, fell from the roof of a building Saturday afternoon, sustaining a badly fractured right leg. He was taken to Community hospital for emergency treatment and removed by ambulance Sunday to the Sandpoint Air Service, where he was transferred to a trimotor plane from Coeur d’Alene which flew the injured man to the veterans administration hospital at Boise.
Kappa Delta Pi, national education honorary at the University of Idaho, has initiated Jack Jones and Albert Martin, Sandpoint. Carol Robinson, Sandpoint, has been elected work chairman at Ridenbaugh hall, University of Idaho women’s residence.
Mrs. Guy Helphrey of Spokane spent several days here last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. O.B. Parker, and family. She returned home on Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Parker, who spent the week end in Spokane with her mother.
Mrs. William A. Kinney was the guest of her daughter, Marge, at the university of Idaho at Moscow over Mother’s day.
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