Ronan Chamber awards celebrate community service
Ronan Chamber of Commerce | Lake County Leader | UPDATED 4 weeks AGO
Lions. Monkeys. Fish. And a few random giraffes, elephants, and rhinos took over the Mission Mountain Golf Course Feb. 6 for the jungle-themed Ronan Chamber of Commerce Awards.
“We are so happy to recognize those who have made a difference in our community,” said Chamber President Katie Jo Elliott. “We have so many amazing people sharing their time to make our world better.”
The Ronan Chamber of Commerce invited nominations for those who had made a positive impact on the community, and a group representing different community agencies reviewed each category and then made recommendations for the awards. In addition to the nominations, the review committee sought feedback from other agencies and businesses about each nominee.
“These are people who give so much to the community,” said Elliott. “They step up, take action, and help all of us.”
The Ronan Chamber of Commerce recognized Ronan Farmers Market in the Agricultural Leadership category, with Westland Seed and Mission West Community Development as runners-up.
“The Ronan Farmers Market is a gem that enriches the health, nutrition, economics, and well-being of the community, providing an experience that connects back to the Earth in the most organic way possible,” said Ronan Chamber manager Tammy Campbell.
Patti and Denny Winter were named Volunteers of the Year; finalists were Patti Mocabee and Justine Welker.
The Winters were described as “a duo with a laser-sharp view on doing good in the community.” They have served on numerous boards, including the Ronan Library and SAFE Harbor, and contribute time, effort and tools to Lights Under the Big Sky, helping out at the ticket booth, crafting light displays, and sponsoring the tree competition.
“Patti and Denny are just incredible,” said Elliott. “They are the type of volunteers who share their time without expecting anything in return.”
Hi-Line Dispensary and Deli was named Business of the Year; runners-up were Harvest Foods and Glacier Bank.
“The Hi-Line has built a new business during a very challenging time. They have taken an active role in the community, serving on the Ronan Chamber and coordinating the Trunk or Treat event,” said Chamber board member Dana Grant.
Alicia Lipscomb, band director for Ronan Schools, was named Educator of the Year. She’ll be retiring from her role after more than three decades.
“She is an institution who has positively impacted thousands of students,” Elliott said.
Finalists were Heather Gray and Amy Miller.
Katie Jo Elliott won the highly competitive category for Ambassador of the Year, with Tammy Campbell and Justine Welker also recognized for their ambitious outreach and promotion.
“Katie is so innovative. She is always looking for ways to promote Ronan and support the community,” said Grant. “She is a role model for all of us.”
Sjann Vincent, manager of the Lake County Fairgrounds, took the title of Citizen of the Year. She also serves on the Lake County Republican Women, the Ronan Chamber of Commerce Board, the Mission West Community Development Partners Board, and the Push Play Leadership Team.
“Sjaan is that person who never stops. She sees a problem and finds a solution. I am so thankful she is here for our community, not to mention she is a delight to be around!” Campbell said.
Finalists in that category were Aric Cooksley, long-time executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of the Flathead Reservation and Lake County, and Jan Tusick, executive director of Mission West Community Development Partners.
The Ronan Chamber recognized Robert Gauthier and Robin Nelson with Lifetime Achievement Awards.
Gauthier, who died Feb. 8, dedicated his career to improving the quality of life for Mission Valley residents as a director of the Salish Kootenai Housing Authority, the first chair of the United Native American Housing Association, chair of Eagle Bank, serving on the National American Indian Housing Council and the HUD Secretary’s Committee, and as part of the Lower Flathead Community Foundation. He also was a leader with the local Pheasants Forever and different youth programs.
“Bob was an icon,” said Grant. “His legacy is one of finding solutions, building sustainability, and helping people succeed.”
Robin Nelson, who retired last week from Bishop Insurance Agency, served on the boards of the Ronan Chamber, Pioneer Days, St. Luke Foundation, and the City of Ronan Board of Adjustments. She played a key role in creating the Ronan Performing Arts Center and Ravalli Rest Area and volunteered for more than 20 years at the Bison Range.
For 41 years, she served as a principal agent of Bishop Insurance Service, along with serving as president of the Montana Independent Insurance Agents Association, and Montana’s state representative to the National Board. Nelson is known for taking time to build relationships and promoting a connected community.
“Robin is a role model for me and others,” Elliott said. “I think about all she has done, and it gives me the motivation to do better.”