Walking the talk: Engaging our youth and strengthening our workforce
Lorraine Clarno | Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 1 week AGO
For the past four years, the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce and its WorkforceFlathead.com partners have championed the value of work-based learning — connecting students with real-world experiences and equipping them with the skills they need for success.
In partnership with School District 5 and their Transformational Learning initiative, we’ve encouraged businesses to get involved. In 2024, we decided to lead by example.
This past fall and winter, we welcomed two outstanding seniors from Glacier High School as interns — Ella and Alyssa. Our goal? To treat them as valued team members, expose them to meaningful career experiences and connect their education directly to the workplace.
Ella worked with our Chamber team, gaining hands-on experience in event planning, business operations and data-driven decision-making. She even helped with the Grand Event and Manufacturing Month, expanding her skills in communication and technology.
Alyssa worked with Discover Kalispell, learning marketing, research, and digital design.
She mastered tools like Microsoft, created promotional materials, and developed real world marketing strategies.
“The lessons I’ve learned and the people I’ve met will be remembered,” she shared. “I’m excited to move forward—possibly pursuing marketing as a career!”
These internships didn’t just impact the students — they energized our entire team. Seeing our profession through the eyes of bright, motivated young people reminded us why work-based learning is so important. Whether it’s internships, job shadows, guest speaking, or apprenticeships, these experiences inspire everyone involved.
That’s why we need more businesses to say yes to partnering with our schools and providing work-based learning opportunities.
These vital programs depend on a yes vote for the Kalispell Public Schools’ high school levy in May. Strong schools mean strong students, a strong workforce and a stronger
Local values, local control — let’s put our tax dollars to work for our students.
Will your business step up? Say yes to work-based learning and vote yes for Kalispell high schools this May.
Lorraine Clarno is president and CEO of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce.

Kalispell Public Schools puts $2.96 million levy before voters
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 1 week, 2 days ago