St. Ignatius Seniors: Check out the Benefit Check Up
Theresa Yares | Lake County Leader | UPDATED 5 days, 2 hours AGO
Did you know Area VI Council on Aging in Polson has a “Benefit Check Up” program? They will do a benefit screening to see what programs you may qualify for, such as extra help with Medicare part D, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicare Savings Program, Big Sky Rx program, Medicaid and Low Income Energy Assistance. To inquire, call 406-883-7284 or 800-266-4188.
On Monday, March 24, we have a nurse coming in the Senior Center to do toenails. Call her (Mandy Jo) at 406-253-5114 to schedule.
Also on the horizon: Bingo, Saturday, April 12; and bake sale, raffle and visit from the Easter bunny, Saturday, April 19.
Main dishes served at the center include: tuna noodle casserole, Friday, March 21; Spanish rice with a green salad, Tuesday, March 25; and hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes, Friday, March 28.
If you would like a take-out meal, please call 406-745-4462 by 10 a.m. on Tuesday and Friday and by 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. Menus for the month are available in the entryway of the center and everyone is welcome (young and old). Come enjoy a delicious meal and good conversation.
Our Senior Center is open to people renting it. If you are interested, please call 406-745-4462 and leave a message. We will call you back with the information you need. If you have questions about obtaining Elder Commodities call or stop by for information and an application.
Gentle Yoga meets from 1-2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. If you are interested, please call Bonnie Kiser at 406-253-0177.