I read with interest the May 22 letter to the editor by Bill Beck, Bob Brown, et al. They suggest it is character assassination to point out someone’s voting record and testimony. Are people that bring these documented items to light the ones at fault or is it the fault …
Ronalee Skees’ lifestyle is one of dedication to serving others as she adheres to a strong moral compass. She doesn’t just talk pro-life talk; she lives it. She has been a volunteer in crisis pregnancy ministry for 26 years, including in foreign countries, as guest speaker for fundraising, and Hope …
Dr. Al Olszewski’s April 27 letter to the editor states he strongly opposes Obamacare and Medicaid expansion. Yet he testified for House Bill 590. Regardless what was tacked onto it, HB 590 supported Medicaid expansion. A liberal Democrat sponsored it, and our liberal Democrat governor promoted it. The majority of …
Dr. Al Olzsewski, Republican candidate House District 11, testified in support of Gov. Bullock’s HB 590 Medicaid expansion bill — suggesting it would give “access to health care and affordable, legitimate health coverage.”
It is no surprise that Ryan Zinke has raised more money than other candidates. Republican candidates for national office who promote relentless wars find financial support. Similarly, Republican warfare state “conservatives” dominate Fox News commentators and are the only “conservative” professors able to get a foothold on college campuses.