In the coming weeks, bow hunting season kicks off in states across the West. Every year, thousands of Montanans and visitors hike deep into our public lands to camp, hunt and pass down the traditions that are the backbone to our way of life.
In the coming weeks, bow hunting season kicks off in states across the West. Every year, thousands of Montanans and visitors hike deep into our public lands to camp, hunt and pass down the traditions that are the backbone to our way of life.
Most Montanans caught the news that Congress passed the most significant public lands package in years: Permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Yellowstone Protection Act.
Most Montanans caught the news that Congress passed the most significant public lands package in years: Permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Yellowstone Protection Act.
Make no mistake: Our public lands are under an unprecedented assault by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his allies. At no time in American history has one administration single-handedly — and so frequently without legal grounds— rolled back more public land protections or threatened our outdoor heritage and our future …
Make no mistake: Our public lands are under an unprecedented assault by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his allies. At no time in American history has one administration single-handedly — and so frequently without legal grounds— rolled back more public land protections or threatened our outdoor heritage and our future …
Here at Western Values Project, we believe words matter. So when Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke used this paper to misleadingly smear us as “attack dogs,” we took offense: We’re watchdogs, not attack dogs, focused on defending America’s public lands by holding policymakers and special interests accountable.
Here at Western Values Project, we believe words matter. So when Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke used this paper to misleadingly smear us as “attack dogs,” we took offense: We’re watchdogs, not attack dogs, focused on defending America’s public lands by holding policymakers and special interests accountable.
Secretary Ryan Zinke is coming back to visit his hometown this week to address the Western Governors’ Association after four months as secretary of interior.
Secretary Ryan Zinke is coming back to visit his hometown this week to address the Western Governors’ Association after four months as secretary of interior.