The international meeting in Madrid that was supposed to finalize the rules for the Paris agreement on climate change should never have occurred. The idea that human emissions increase global temperature and that curtailing human emissions will somehow decrease global temperature is an illusion that rejects science.
Bradley, a Ph.D. in molecular biology, (Daily Inter Lake, Feb. 7 guest opinion) admits he is “not an expert in climate science.” Yet, he makes irrational claims about climate science.
Former Kalispell Mayor Tammi Fisher and Montana House Majority Leader Keith Regier (Daily Inter Lake letters, Sept. 10 and 13) have ignited a battle over conservative ideology. Their battle is part of the ideological war for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. The outcome of this war will …
As Robert Frost wrote, there are two paths and the path taken makes all the difference. A true evaluation of the Salish and Kootenai water compact requires looking ahead to see what is at the end of each path.
In 2007, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and to Al Gore “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are …
“Piltdown Man Hoax Is Exposed,” announced the New York Times on Nov. 21, 1953. Yet liberals like Bill Baum believe the global warming hoax because their environmental religion requires it.
Jerry Elwood (in a Jan. 4 Daily Inter Lake guest opinion) claims his case for catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is based upon “unequivocal and easily accessible scientific evidence.” Let’s review his claim.
Dr. Jerry Elwood’s opinion letter “Court ruling on climate didn’t say what letter claimed” of March 2 challenges my Jan. 24 letter on the Montana Supreme Court’s rejection of the Climate Change Petition by “Our Children’s Trust”.