There’s an enormous threat to the farming and cattle ranching community coming to the western states. One need only review S.3019, intentionally and deceitfully titled “Montana Water Protection Act,” to find answers to these two questions:
During the Vietnam War years I owned a lovely home on Stonybrook Drive in Anaheim, California. My children’s learning, memories, family traditions and life-experiences were forged in that home. My children were native to that soil. Although we had to move away and have been gone for many years, it …
During the Vietnam War years I owned a lovely home on Stonybrook Drive in Anaheim, California. My children’s learning, memories, family traditions and life-experiences were forged in that home. My children were native to that soil. Although we had to move away and have been gone for many years, it …
The constitutional republic is founded upon a balance of power between the federal government and the collective 50 states, but our governmental system has gone upside down. We now have a behemoth federal government run by a king, with continuous assistance from his princes—federal senators and congressmen.
It has been reported that the town of Browning might have to disincorporate or declare bankruptcy over an ongoing dispute with the Blackfeet Tribe about water and utility service.