The Lewiston and Lapwai school districts made the sudden decision Sunday to close schools today as a precautionary measure aimed at slowing local spread of the coronavirus.
School superintendents in southeastern Washington scrambled Friday to scrape together emergency plans following the announcement from Gov. Jay Inslee that all public and private schools in the state will shut down by Tuesday and stay closed through April 24 in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus.
A little more than a week after the federal government unvieled its massive draft environmental impact statement on the Columbia River Hydropower System and its effects on salmon and steelhead, some interest groups are asking for more time to formulate their public comments and questioning if public hearings should be …
An early forecast from a group of state, tribal and federal fisheries managers indicates the upcoming spring chinook season could be as, or even more, disappointing than recent steelhead runs and worse than last year’s return of springers.
An early forecast from a group of state, tribal and federal fisheries managers indicates the upcoming spring chinook season could be as, or even more, disappointing than recent steelhead runs and worse than last year’s return of springers.