This is a response to the Aug 19, 2018, Daily Inter Lake opinion pages, ‘In defense of LGBTQ+’, pages C7 & C8, and an article from a gay ex-minister on page C9. All of the letters were in support of the LGBTQ+ community, and addressed an earlier op-ed by Tim …
This is a response to the Aug 19, 2018, Daily Inter Lake opinion pages, ‘In defense of LGBTQ+’, pages C7 & C8, and an article from a gay ex-minister on page C9. All of the letters were in support of the LGBTQ+ community, and addressed an earlier op-ed by Tim …
As evidenced by “The Trump Effect” op-ed in the April 15 Daily Inter Lake, the hypocrisy of the anti-Trumpers is getting almost too comical to describe. As usual, the Alinsky tactics are on full display, accusing the target with no regard for truth, and most assuredly blaming the target for …
As evidenced by “The Trump Effect” op-ed in the April 15 Daily Inter Lake, the hypocrisy of the anti-Trumpers is getting almost too comical to describe. As usual, the Alinsky tactics are on full display, accusing the target with no regard for truth, and most assuredly blaming the target for …
Kudos to Jack D. Jones for his response to Jim Lockwood in the May 21 Daily Inter Lake regarding how anyone could vote for Donald Trump for president. Mr. Jones is what America needs more of — MUCH more of — true patriots who will stand up and say what …
Kudos to Jack D. Jones for his response to Jim Lockwood in the May 21 Daily Inter Lake regarding how anyone could vote for Donald Trump for president. Mr. Jones is what America needs more of — MUCH more of — true patriots who will stand up and say what …
This is a response to the letter “Muslims are like all other people,” from Jonathan D. Jones, in the June 24 Daily Inter Lake. Jones is reported to be a 1992 grad of Flathead High School residing in San Antonio, and also a retired master sergeant who served twice in …
Responding to “It’s wrong to run letters that question Islamic minority,” by Arsalan Bukhari, in the May 1 Daily Inter Lake, I have to first say it’s NOT wrong to question the Islamic minority. It’s not wrong to question anything, so therefore, saying it’s wrong to question the Islamic minority …
This is written on Monday, Dec 7, 2015, five days removed from the San Bernardino massacre, and the president has finally called San Bernardino a terrorist attack, and Fort Hood as well.
The Paris terrorism prompts this op-ed, which will address the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and try to shed some light on the centuries-old Islamic practice of killing non-Muslims — a practice which has become critical in our time.
In his instructive Oct. 20 letter to the editor, Mike Donohue shows that he is someone who understands the Second Amendment, and why our country’s fathers wrote it into the U.S. Constitution.
When I read the letter in the March 28 Daily Inter Lake by Philip Crissman, “Was it a hate crime? You decide,” I could hardly believe anyone could overlook the glaring double standard in the thinking of those who support Susan Cahill.
In the March 18 Daily Inter Lake, Steve Martinez provided what I consider another example of preaching hate in the name of civility and tolerance. He wrote, “People who claim to be Christians that call abortion murder and label providers murderers and preach violence against these practitioners and their patients …