Flathead Electric Cooperative had “all hands on deck” to restore power when a blustery winter storm blew through the region Friday evening through Saturday.
Columbia Falls High School junior Winslow Nichols is a “kind, thoughtful and driven achiever,” whose talents lie in leadership and academics, yet he is humble about his positive influence and achievements.
Martel Construction of Bigfork has been chosen to complete the remodel of a former vision clinic into a CareHere primary health care clinic at 340 W. Center St. in Kalispell.
While Glacier, Flathead and Whitefish high schools came out of the Montana District Qualifying Tournament with competitors advancing to nationals — one of them returned home as student of the year.
The achievements of Eagle Scouts Jakob Ritzdorf, Evan Hendrickson and Lucas Ritzdorf have shined brightly enough to earn the Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Award.
The absence of mobile phones and smartwatches in the hallways of Kalispell Middle School will become a regular sight beginning in March as the school pilots a change to its electronic device policy.
Budding high school student entrepreneurs from the Flathead Valley proved their prowess in marketing, finance, hospitality and management to qualify for the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
Cayuse Prairie School sixth-grader Mary Grace Carey buried the competition at the Flathead County Spelling Bee with the correct spelling of “cemetery.”