“If you take away their religion, and break their bonds with their children, you will break the Blackfeet people.” These were the weighty words from a legislator, who is a member of the Blackfeet tribe, as she recounted federal policies enacted generations ago against her people.
Over the past three years, the idea of transferring federally managed public lands to the states has swelled from a small-town dream to a full-fledged national movement. As grassroots support grows, organized opposition bolsters their attempts to distort the truth and dirty the reputations of good, honest people.
What do you suppose would happen if each of us did more instead of expecting someone else to do all the good things that need to be done? What if we each did all we can do to help ourselves and help others? Charity would become contagious, popular and, ironically, …
Agreeing each vote should be an informed vote, 50 Montana legislators recently requested independent review of the proposed Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Water Compact.