After reading through the Daily Inter Lake on Sunday afternoon, I determined I should at least respond to a couple of the letters to the editor. The subject matter is of importance since both letters basically attacked the idea of Dinesh D’Souza speaking at the Bigfork Center for the Performing …
After reading through the Daily Inter Lake on Sunday afternoon, I determined I should at least respond to a couple of the letters to the editor. The subject matter is of importance since both letters basically attacked the idea of Dinesh D’Souza speaking at the Bigfork Center for the Performing …
When reading a recent guest opinion by Arsalan Bukhari, I was stunned to see him condemning the service provided by the Daily Inter Lake of printing the opinions of other Americans. My question to Mr. Bukhari would be simply, why are you bothered by an American privilege of citizen rights? …
Once upon a time... we relished the thought of honesty. We cherished the stories of our first president speaking the truth when it came to chopping down a cherry tree. Now it seems one who may run for the office of president of the United States can lie and for …
Kudos to Mr. Nick Chickering of Whitefish and any other concerned Americans who have taken the time to write letters of dissent to Sen. Jon Tester regarding the so called Iran Agreement. I, too, wrote to the senator about the issue and received a like response for my concerns.
I am so sick and tired of reading the trash coming from the dedicated “leftists” who are so in the tank for those who lay allegiance to an ideology that is on target to destroy America and all they can do is make excuses for their own malfeasance.
I tend to get more disillusioned each day as I watch what is happening to our country. Our leadership is failing at their jobs and all they do is blame everyone and everything else.
Anyone else out there confused about the state of affairs in America? If so, I completely understand. If one listens, reads or watches the evening news with any regularity, they have to come away scratching their heads. They might hear the news and then they might not, it depends on …