After this historic COVID – 19 pandemic recedes into history, and it will, what will America and especially Montana learn from it? What will the people of Montana and America expect when the next pandemic arrives? The answers to these questions must be answered correctly or else the damage done …
A recent missive by someone who claimed to be a former Republican stated that the Republican Party has abandoned its principles because it has become the party of Donald Trump. The writer claimed to identify the Republican principles of her youth as the true principles of the Republican Party and …
As this writer has stated before about when I was a lad in the U.S. Army, my first sergeant claimed that the purpose of a pistol was to defend oneself until he could reach his rifle. And the rifle contained more than 10 rounds.
As this writer has stated before about when I was a lad in the U.S. Army, my first sergeant claimed that the purpose of a pistol was to defend oneself until he could reach his rifle. And the rifle contained more than 10 rounds.
When the awesome power of the state is used to do something good for one group of people, it must first do wrong to a different group. Medicaid expansion, however, is an equal-opportunity offender, committing a terrible wrong upon both its beneficiaries and the taxpayers of this state.
When the awesome power of the state is used to do something good for one group of people, it must first do wrong to a different group. Medicaid expansion, however, is an equal-opportunity offender, committing a terrible wrong upon both its beneficiaries and the taxpayers of this state.
Recent college graduation statistics indicate that approximately 56 percent of college graduates this year will be female. That statistic is laudable in that more females are graduating from college than ever before in American history.
While an impressionable young soldier in Vietnam, my first sergeant once told me, “God gave soldiers, through the genius of John Browning, the Model 1911 pistol and that it carried eight shots because that was enough.”
While an impressionable young soldier in Vietnam, my first sergeant once told me, “God gave soldiers, through the genius of John Browning, the Model 1911 pistol and that it carried eight shots because that was enough.”
While an impressionable young soldier in Vietnam, my first sergeant once told me, “God gave soldiers, through the genius of John Browning, the Model 1911 pistol and that it carried eight shots because that was enough.”
Until the early 1970s, many women who went on to college or university education experiences were commonly said to be pursuing "Mrs." degrees instead of B.A. or B.S. degrees. That expression implied that the only reason females pursued higher education was to improve their odds of finding a suitable mate.
Until the early 1970s, many women who went on to college or university education experiences were commonly said to be pursuing "Mrs." degrees instead of B.A. or B.S. degrees. That expression implied that the only reason females pursued higher education was to improve their odds of finding a suitable mate.