When I walk around our town and in and out of stores I am quite often wearing a shirt with a message: “ABORTION IS MURDER.” Some folks walking by have a tendency to turn away after noticing the message and it makes me wonder, “What’s on your mind?”
I attended the Lincoln-Reagan dinner in Kalspell. Here is what I witnessed. Mr. Zinke and the three competitors vying for the one congressional seat were asked to respond with yes or no answers to several questions. Mr. Zinke was the only one of the four who could not reply as …
Thank you, Eric Knutson, for your March 20 letter to the editor. I have been fuming over Mr. Martinez’s letter of March 18 regarding abortion and could not stay calm enough to respond.
I’m not sure if anyone has ever looked at the subject of abortion in this manner. However, it strikes me as an excellent process in order to put the issue into perspective. Since the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, there have been 55 million little souls murdered in the …