There is no better way to honor those who died in service to our country than to ensure we provide benefits and services earned by their brothers and sisters in arms. This has never mattered more than this Memorial Day — unlike any other in our nation’s history. Nearly 100,000 …
Montana farmers and ranchers raise some of the best products in the world. Grain, beef, barley, and other crops grown in Lincoln County are in high-demand in dozens of countries in Asia and North America.
During wildfire season, brave men and women put their lives at risk to protect our communities. Please join me in keeping these courageous firefighters in your thoughts and prayers.
My mother had an unshakable faith in the power of public education. With her encouragement, the first job I took after college was teaching at my childhood elementary school.
As required by my provision in a recent federal law, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week removed Montana’s wolves from the Endangered Species List and returned their management to state biologists. It is a bipartisan victory that recognizes Montana’s wolf recovery as a success. As your senator, it’s …
On Inauguration Day, hundreds of Montanans joined millions of Americans in our nation’s capital to celebrate a high point in our nation’s history and a turning point in our national policy.