The slaughter which occurred in a Florida school in February probably would never have taken place had the safeguards supposedly built into our safety network, which make it more difficult for the mentally dangerous to obtain firearms and/or ammunition, been followed. However, from all outward appearances, this system failed at …
The slaughter which occurred in a Florida school in February probably would never have taken place had the safeguards supposedly built into our safety network, which make it more difficult for the mentally dangerous to obtain firearms and/or ammunition, been followed. However, from all outward appearances, this system failed at …
Have you noticed how some among us, including some in the media, have taken upon themselves the responsibility of assigning character attributes to anyone who professes to hold a differing political and/or cultural view than theirs.
Have you noticed how some among us, including some in the media, have taken upon themselves the responsibility of assigning character attributes to anyone who professes to hold a differing political and/or cultural view than theirs.
The great American political circus is currently touring the USA, and quite a show it is. I hope all Montanans will take the opportunity to view at least a few episodes. It is very entertaining, quite educational and will afford you some insight into the character, morals and beliefs of …
A gun is fired in anger or insanity in our nation and our very own Muslim apologist president and chief socialist who resides in his great white palace in Washington, D.C., grabs the nearest microphone and starts babbling that we have to get control of guns — scary, but consistent.
Some 50 odd years ago, a small group of young college professors who were disciples of the famous naturalist John Muir and his followers, started a new environmental movement to save the trees.
For many years I have enjoyed the “Letters to the Editor” section, but until now I have abstained from active participation. However recent letters have turned my crank enough to get my motor running, so here is my first two cents worth.