The country is abuzz with demands that the U.S. abolish the Electoral College. Does anybody making these demands understand that the United States was purposely founded as a republic and not as a democracy? What is the difference between the two, and why?
While the Pilot headline story about the city’s plans to annex 70 properties along Whitefish Lake stated that it was for lakeshore preservation, this move, if carried out, will ensure the opposite effect.
While the Pilot headline story about the city’s plans to annex 70 properties along Whitefish Lake stated that it was for lakeshore preservation, this move, if carried out, will ensure the opposite effect.
While the Pilot headline story about the city’s plans to annex 70 properties along Whitefish Lake stated that it was for lakeshore preservation, this move, if carried out, will ensure the opposite effect.
Why are gasoline prices so high? Now that the election campaign is on, the president speaks almost daily about his determination to lower gas prices, but let’s look at the record. Gasoline prices were $1.90/gal. when he took office with promises he would free America from dependency upon OPEC. The …