I am not for wasteful government spending, but does the Daily Inter Lake need to parrot the Associated Press’s repeated assaults on Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s air transportation spending ... and putting this garbage on the front page? After the liberal media got rid of HHS secretary Tom …
I am not for wasteful government spending, but does the Daily Inter Lake need to parrot the Associated Press’s repeated assaults on Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s air transportation spending ... and putting this garbage on the front page? After the liberal media got rid of HHS secretary Tom …
We do indeed seem to live in interesting times. I watched the bipartisan frenzy of anti-Trump rhetoric regarding the white supremacist march in Charlottesville with amazement. Of course, one expects the Democrats and the violent hate groups they and billionaire George Soros sponsor such as Antifa to criticize President Trump …
We do indeed seem to live in interesting times. I watched the bipartisan frenzy of anti-Trump rhetoric regarding the white supremacist march in Charlottesville with amazement. Of course, one expects the Democrats and the violent hate groups they and billionaire George Soros sponsor such as Antifa to criticize President Trump …
Riley McClelland (Daily Inter Lake, Aug. 13) and Bob Muth (Daily Inter Lake, Aug. 25) certainly have their knickers in a twist over my criticism of the lack of critical thinking by Glacier National Park leadership.
Riley McClelland (Daily Inter Lake, Aug. 13) and Bob Muth (Daily Inter Lake, Aug. 25) certainly have their knickers in a twist over my criticism of the lack of critical thinking by Glacier National Park leadership.
So Glacier National Park is considering a “one car in, one car out” policy at venues on dead-end roads such as Bowman Lake due to overcrowded parking causing a “safety issue.” I wonder how often emergency vehicles have had a problem getting to where they were needed at the lake. …
So Glacier National Park is considering a “one car in, one car out” policy at venues on dead-end roads such as Bowman Lake due to overcrowded parking causing a “safety issue.” I wonder how often emergency vehicles have had a problem getting to where they were needed at the lake. …
WOW! Can this piece-of-work we call the Congress and the drive-by media be any more pathetically one sided? Can their emphasis on character assassination and process overshadow the truth any more than they have obfuscated the truth thus far?
WOW! Can this piece-of-work we call the Congress and the drive-by media be any more pathetically one sided? Can their emphasis on character assassination and process overshadow the truth any more than they have obfuscated the truth thus far?
Politics is getting pretty boring ... and we’re only one month into the Trump presidency. The blood sport which is politics is in full swing. The criminal news media — most outlets except for a few newspapers, FOX, and AM talk shows — seem to have developed amnesia or at …
Politics is getting pretty boring ... and we’re only one month into the Trump presidency. The blood sport which is politics is in full swing. The criminal news media — most outlets except for a few newspapers, FOX, and AM talk shows — seem to have developed amnesia or at …
If I am interpreting the Inter Lake’s July 22 editorial correctly, Melania Trump’s plagiarism from Michelle Obama is a mortal sin. She took such unique Michelle Obama thoughts as, “you work hard for what you want in life,” “your word is your bond” and “you treat people with respect.”
I have watched the exchange between the pro- and con-Syrian immigration letter writers. I have previously stated that I would support the admission of Syrian Christian refugees as a safe alternative to Syrian Muslims and a way to reduce the Christian genocide in the region. We should not be allowing …
I get it, Mr. Miele. Donald Trump is your man. I am surprised that someone who considers himself a true conservative would not only support but fawn over a hypocrite like Trump, but that seems to be the case with repeated “2 cents” columns defending Trump against all criticism.
I never thought I’d see the day when Bob McClellan would praise a Republican. Yet in a letter a few months ago addressing Trump’s popularism, McClellan seemed to praise Trump for his fight against “big money” (the same big money Trump freely admits to using when necessary to buy political …
We are in the early stages this Nov. 15 of finding out the details of the horrendous Paris Massacre by Islamofascists. It appears that at least one of these deranged murderers may have been someone leaving Syria in October under the guise of being a Syrian refugee.
I suppose I’m not as educated as Greg Jergenson (Daily Inter Lake, Nov. 1) about the costs of electricity generated from different sources; after all, I didn’t spend my entire professional life in the Montana Senate and as a member of the Public Service Commission. But, wait a second, weren’t …
I find the duplicity of the government over the recent EPA blunder in Colorado astounding. Environmental Protection Agency officials accidentally dislodged 1 MILLION to 3 MILLION gallons of toxic orange-colored sludge containing, amongst other chemicals, arsenic, lead and cadmium from a closed Colorado gold mine. Information released from the EPA …
I am not an adamant supporter of many of the conservative social causes... not nearly as much as the fiscal issues, but I do find liberal positions on social matters becoming intolerable. There appears to be no middle ground in this country.
I am starting this letter with the date on which it was written — April 21, 2015. Why begin this way? To make certain, regardless of the date of publication, that all my liberal friends finally understand how inept and transparent this administration is in this so called “deal” with …
For Rand Paul, Republican candidate for president and a physician (ophthalmologist) to proudly declare that vaccinations should be voluntary is the height of irresponsibility.
I was astounded at the Sunday talk shows, “Force the Nation” and “Meet the Depressed” on Jan. 11. The apology tour which began with Obama in 2009 declaring a new kinder, gentler, more humble America that refused to use its military might to solve problems like Islamofascism was in full …
In November, the Washington National Cathedral, a major Episcopal church, allowed Muslims to hold a service in their cathedral. Most praised the action as a sign of tolerance. But the Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, disparaged the action since it allowed a prayer service to the …
As we gnash our teeth over global warming, the war on terror, liberal vs. conservative, etc., isn’t it inspiring to see a third-string freshman quarterback lead a young and building team to convincing wins over Wisconsin to win the Big 10 championship, No. 1 ranked Alabama, and now over Oregon …
In November the Washington National Cathedral, a major Episcopal church, allowed Muslims to hold a service in their cathedral. The Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, disparaged the action since it allowed a prayer service to the Muslim god Allah rather than Jesus Christ in a Christian …
The Flathead City-County Health Department recently sent an alert to health care providers and institutions with information about screening and treatment of potential Ebola patients.
The Flathead City-County Health Department recently sent an alert to health care providers and institutions with information about screening and treatment of potential Ebola patients.
Steve Utash, a 54-year-old tree trimmer, father and grandfather, was driving down a Detroit street when a 10-year-old child ran into the busy traffic and was struck by his pickup truck.
Last week my wife and I previewed a new movie produced by local superstar producer Jerry Molen and director Dinesh D’Souza entitled “America: Imagine the World Without Her.” The two had previously produced and directed “2016: Obama’s America,” a film critical of Obama and revealing of his radicalized personal history.
Gene Lyons’ March 27 column (“America’s oligarchs”) demonstrates the hypocrisy of this blatant liberal. Excoriating the conservative Koch brothers for supporting political causes, he dismisses the hundreds of millions of dollars they contribute to charity as “throwing money at their wives’ favorite ballet companies and museums.”
Darlene Schottle’s guest opinion on Common Core standards for Montana shed some light on the process; however, I have two thoughts for the superintendent of schools for Kalispell School District 5.
I am certainly glad that the Democrats, including the brilliant and totally honest Senate majority leader Harry Reid and Gov. Bullock, didn’t conspire with the appointment of John Walsh to fill Baucus’s Senate seat just so Walsh could get a little name recognition for this year’s Senate race, presumably against …
Rather than recount the same valid arguments, let me just point out a couple of Dr. Elwood’s mistakes in his recent letter (Daily Inter Lake, Jan. 5) attacking me for my position as a man-made climate-change denier.
I always enjoy reading emeritus chemistry professor and climate scientist Eric Grimsrud point out the pitfalls in my science by finding a few facts that continue to support his viewpoint (Daily Inter Lake, Dec. 8).
I suppose those of us who support the minority of scientists who believe that man-made global warming is a theory (and not a very good one at that), not proven science, should not be allowed to exercise OUR free speech, as opposed to Bob Muth Sr. (“Global warming is not …
I am confused about the liberals’ and their drive-by media supporters’ definition of racist and racism as reflected in recent events. Having attended a predominantly black inner-city high school, and having been beaten up and had possessions stolen from me during those years, I think I know a tad more …
I guess we’ve received our first dose of liberalism from the new liberal-leaning columnist who writes for the Arkansas Times (“Guns and demons?” by Gene Lyons, Jan. 3).
I enjoyed reading Bob McClellan’s nonsensical letter (“Hurricane Sandy was wake-up call,” The Daily Inter Lake, Nov. 22). In his usual rambling, McClellan retreats to the man-made global warming mantra. No matter what the climate change is, the true believers blame it on man-made global warming. If it’s hot, it’s …
I have always tried to be respectful of people I have criticized in my writings, but I have had it with our current president and will not honor a dishonorable man with a title he doesn’t deserve.
I have to admit I don’t usually read Bill Baum’s letters, but one of his (Republicans ‘put party over nation’) caught my eye. Mr. Baum has obviously lost any connection with reality — the reality that both parties and most politicians put party and re-election before the people they are …
As a conservative, I’d like to comment on the Republican candidates who have participated in the presidential debates thus far. I will focus my attention on viable or, at least potentially viable, candidates and eliminate Rick Santorum, Gary Johnson and Jon Huntsman.