Viva la revolucion! The GOP is playing with fire in their mad dash to one-party rule, as an obscenely wealthy donor class happily gums up the works with wads of greasy cash.
Viva la revolucion! The GOP is playing with fire in their mad dash to one-party rule, as an obscenely wealthy donor class happily gums up the works with wads of greasy cash.
I can’t bear all the handwringing on the inter-tubes by Democratic bloggers, pundits, and failed strategists, so this is my own postmortem liberal lament. Anyway, the energy of anger and disgust is better redirected into words than sticks and stones, or punching out windows in my petrol-mobile with arthritic knuckles.
Achtung! All Trump supporters: don’t forget to vote on Nov. 28! The hallowed leader from on high has decreed it so from the podium of truth at a recent chanting throng of enthralled, fevered-eyed followers. Therefore, it is true. Do not believe the lies from the biased liberal press — …
Ron Erickson from Lakeside, in the Sept. 27 Daily Inter Lake, has proudly defended in painful, dictionary-definition, dog-comparison detail his deplorably misogynistic “Trump That B---h” sign, which is defiantly displayed alongside a public highway, crowded twice a day with women rushing back and forth to work, many juggling careers while …
Incurious George and the Dick Cheney, the voice of Evil Empire, opened the Gates of Hell, and Satan’s Demons are now pouring through the rift. Violence begets violence; so, of course, bombs and boots only make it worse. But hey, they’re good for business — more nonunion McJobs! Vote oil; …