Gennifer Sauter seems comfortable, almost at home, while sitting in the office at the Conrad Mansion Museum in Kalispell on a rainy fall morning. As the smell of fresh coffee hung in the air, it was easy to imagine a simpler time, before computer screens and portable space heaters and …
Fall is a season for celebration and rest. As the days get shorter and colder, communities come together to share the bounty of the harvest and give thanks for family.
It’s been a long road this year for the Lil’ Smokies. Between constant touring and several lineup changes, the group’s growing national popularity has created some unexpected (but not entirely unwelcome) twists and turns.
Local artist Danielle Taylor sees art everywhere. And using a process that involves sketching, plaster, and palate knife painting with a variety of colors, paint types and textures, she recreates the art she sees for others to enjoy.
The Sunti World Art Gallery has been bringing art by the world’s masters to Whitefish for about a year. This summer, the gallery welcomed two of those creators as artists in residence.
In 2012 a group of community members — led by John Simpson and Miriam Singer — came up with a plan to make “world-class performances on a world-class instrument” available to the Flathead Valley.
A flannelgraph is a simple board, covered in fabric and resting on an easel, used for visual storytelling. Flannel Graph, a local duo of musical storytellers Leon Gregory and Shayla Smith, is then aptly named.