The United States has imposed economic sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. Unfortunately sanctions alone never get the job done (for example Saddam Hussein and the U.N. Oil for Food program). While current sanctions have caused some hardships, it has been the collapse in the price of oil since …
The United States has imposed economic sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. Unfortunately sanctions alone never get the job done (for example Saddam Hussein and the U.N. Oil for Food program). While current sanctions have caused some hardships, it has been the collapse in the price of oil since …
In August, MSU student Jaelyn Young was sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempting to join the Islamic State. Her fiance was sentenced to eight years. The couple planned on claiming they were traveling on their honeymoon as a cover story. Young stole her mother’s credit card to pay …
Sen. Timothy Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s choice for VP, has a history of embracing the Muslim Brotherhood and taking campaign donations from multiple Islamist organizations.
Within hours of the terrorist attack in Orlando, President Obama, members of his administration and media pundits joined with representatives of the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, and spokesmen from the local Islamic community to decry the “lone wolf” attack.