New CB Tech program unveiled Thursday
CHERYL SCHWEIZER | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 8 years, 4 months AGO
Senior Reporter Cheryl Schweizer is a journalist with more than 30 years of experience serving small communities in the Pacific Northwest. She began her post-high-school education at Treasure Valley Community College and enerned her journalism degree at Oregon State University. After working for multiple publications, she has settled down at the Columbia Basin Herald and has been a staple of the newsroom for more than a decade. Schweizer’s dedication to her communities and profession has earned her the nickname “The Baroness of Bylines.” She covers a variety of beats including health, business and various municipalities. | October 27, 2016 1:00 AM
MOSES LAKE — The new criminal justice program at Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center will be the subject of a lecture by the instructor at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Moses Lake Civic Center auditorium. Retired Moses Lake Police Chief Dave Ruffin will talk about the program, and what it means for the future of law enforcement.
Admission is free. The lecture is sponsored by the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center.
Ruffin said he will focus on the program and its curriculum, which has a lot in common with the training at the state’s Law Enforcement Academy. The CB Tech students don’t get the weapons training or defensive driving classes, he said, but they receive a lot of instruction from the rest of the academy curriculum.
Law enforcement agencies need more people than they can hire, he said, and have since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It’s not that standards have changed, but people have, he said.
The program serves as a good introduction for high school juniors and seniors who might be thinking about a law enforcement career, he said, and why it’s a good career. It’s also a way to introduce juniors and seniors to other places they can get training and education in the field, he said. Those range from the Explorer program, to reserve programs sponsored by individual law enforcement agencies, to two-year and four-year college programs.
Finding qualified candidates is just as much a challenge in Grant County and Moses Lake as anywhere, he said. “Nothing would be cooler than, five or six years from now, we start to get a return on investment.”
The curriculum shows students how to conduct an arrest (including how to handcuff a suspect), how to clear a building, how to investigate a crime. The students talk about ethics; Ruffin said there are real-life examples of what goes wrong when cops ignore the rules, and they are discussed in class.
Even if students decide against law enforcement, the lessons they learn can be transferred to other careers, Ruffin said. The emphasis on discipline appeals to many of the students taking the class, he said.
People who want more information can contact the museum, 509-764-3830.

Learning the moves CB Tech students ready for cop competition
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 6 years, 10 months ago

Additional testing needed for Quincy pool
QUINCY — Excavation for the new Quincy Aquatic Center is going to require some additional soil sampling first. Parks and Recreation Director Russ Harrington said in an earlier interview that city officials hope to start work on the pool this summer, possibly in May or June. But the city may have to make some changes to the project before starting to move dirt, due to the possibility of subsurface contaminants.

Mavericks named to Big 9 all-league wrestling team
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Royal’s Arroyo named SCAC co-wrestler of the year
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